So, most of you guys have probably heard by now, but I HAS A PS3! Yay! I'm well on my way on going through Cross Edge, and it is so much love. Shurelia, Aurica, Misha, Lilia, Wuim, Roze, Marie~ All are awesome! The Mana-Khemia 2 characters do make me want to play the actual game, tis a shame that Cross Edge came out before Mana-Khemia 2, but oh well! Either way, I'll play both anyway.
The gameplay is a lot more complicated than I expected! It takes a bit of getting used to, but it's still uber fun. The character fanservice is great! Shurelia is still getting lost and tripping in battle. Very MOEEEE indeed. The story hasn't been all that exciting, but the characters more than make up for it! Yuuto is a jerkass though, and I don't like him too much. Mikoto however, is such a sweetheart! She's constantly looking out for everyone in the "family" as Misha has put it. And boy, is it a huge family, and it's only expanding! I'd say this is the only RPG where you have OVER 9000 unique characters to choose from. Which obviously makes it difficult to choose a permanent team for me... As I do end up liking a lot of them. XD
Also, the Ar tonelico II costumes for the Ar tonelico I Reyvateils are just so much win.
I should also mention BlazBlue shouldn't I? Great fighting game! I haven't played it too much lately because of Cross Edge, but I absolutely love it! And I have so many friends that I've met through the Backloggery that have it, it's going to be a blast to play even more! Noel and Rachel are my current favorites, but that could still change, since I haven't had too much time with it. If you have a PS3 and BlazBlue, hit me up!
I guess that's all for now... I'll try to start posting more! I promise!