I have obviously, recently acquired the CLANNAD Visual Novel (Thank you Orpheon-sama!)! And it being my first real VN, (Ar tonelico doesn't really count I guess. ^^') I'm actually quite enjoying it! Especially since I did watch the anime first, and I know what's going to happen for the most part, but it's nice to get to know the characters once again in a LOT more detail! Now, I really want to play the Kanon VN, despite it being an H-game, (Hopefully we can skip the scenes? o_o) because Kanon was my absolute favorite out of the three Key animated series that I have watched.
I was trying to go towards Kotomi's path first, but I think I ended up winding towards Nagisa's path on accident... I was just choosing what I felt like after all, and I just could not refuse Nagisa's being alone in the courtyard, eating her Anpan by herself... She's a lot more similar to me than I thought I guess. Which is why I actually really liked her quite a bit back when the first season came out.
She shouts to encourage herself. It's so heartwarming to be able to try to make her happy in the VN, and to encourage her to do things that she would have otherwise not done on her own, but man... I already know her fate if she becomes, "the one" for Tomoya, and that's depressing... Oh well, I have to go through all paths to get the true end eventually anyway I guess...
Also, Nagisa's theme/the Dango Daikazoku song from the anime's melody is now stuck in my head.
Dango~ Dango~ Dango~ Dango~ Dango Daikazoku~ After watching the After Story though... It does make me kind of sad... T__T