I also got the Laser Cell Art from the Gamestop preorder, and the BSAA badge, as well as the necklace. All very nice. Not sure what I want to do with the badge though. XD
Anywho, the game is fun as heck! Especially with a friend. The Co-Op is AWESOME! More games need co-op nowadays. There haven't been a lot of those since the NES/SNES days. *remembers games like Bubble Bobble and Donkey Kong Country* Co-Op is a big selling point for me, especially for these kinds of games... My friends actually play with me! It's great. We can even go online to find people to play with! So if anyone has RE5... Hit me up if you want to play online! Of course, I can only do that when I'm at home, when I actually have internet on the 360...
Overall, it is a fun game! The gore isn't that bad actually... They don't even show much of the decapitations anymore, unlike RE4. Of course, I am kind of used to it now in RE... I still can't really take gore in movies and stuff though...
The story is fairly interesting so far, although I know all the big spoilers already... =.= Oh well, I'm still enjoying it, and seeing how the heck we got to those spoilers. XD