Yes, I have finally achieved Metafalica... Last week. I finally was able to beat Ar tonelico II last weekend. I'm currently on Spring Break this week which is why I was able to. I need to go back and get all 100 I.P.D.s to join Chroche's fanclub though. The ending was spectacular! It makes me wonder how good Luca, Jakuri, and Cocona's endings are... Although the last parts of it will be the same. The only difference would be the scene with said girl and Chroah (A lovey-dovey scene. XD) That said, despite all the localization mishaps, I really enjoyed the game. Although the game did freeze on me randomly at least 5 times... Mostly during I.P.D. fights, but once while I was looking through Chroche-sama's costumes... I know I'll be going back to play through Ar tonelico II again eventually, because it really is an awesome game with lovable characters and a great story.

Also, I finally finished Clannad ~After Story~ yesterday. Very very very sad story. I cried several times. The ending was super though! Miracles can happen if you try apparently. (Well, at least in Key produced stuffs) Everyone was happy in the end, although there was a lot of hardship to be had for that to happen. Even though, the last few episodes now seem meaningless... But anywho, Ushio = absolutely adorable. Watch the anime if you can, I think the second season was a lot more depressing and serious than the first season. I'm not sure which one I could consider better, but they're continuations of each other, so I'm not sure if we can compare...

Also, I need to find a way to get a PS3 soon... Lots of Cross Edge news has been coming out as of late... And I just really really want to play that game. Hopefully NISA won't screw it up like they did with Ar tonelico II... And yes, the costume above is Misha is Chroche-sama's costume. Which was a big surprise for me when I first got a look at it thanks to raymk-san from A Reyvateil's Melody.
Well, that's all I could think of writing for today, got to do some house chores...