Life is taking it's toll and I haven't been able to play anything at all lately... *sadness*
I should have beaten Ar tonelico II weeks ago, but alas... I'm stuck at Sol Marta for the time being. Maybe I'll be able to play sometime this weekend? Who knows...
Anywho, I'm just making a blog to let everyone know I'm alive! Well, it's not like many people read this thing anyway right? XD
I've been addicted to EXEC_with.METHOD_METAFALICA/. lately though, shows how much I miss playing the game I guess...
I preordered Shikata Akiko-sama's Harmonia album as well, despite starting to run low on the moneys, but it was worth it... I think... I'll wait until it comes, I'll probably love it. XD
In the mean time... Click here to help me out please! It's Resident Evil 5 related. :D