Sunday, February 15, 2009


I haven't been blogging a lot at all as of late...

In fact, I haven't even been chatting, foruming, or doing a lot of internet stuffs much at all as of late...

I still HAVE been doing stuff like that, but they seem to be waning more and more everyday.

I have come to the realization that I have finally made some of the greatest friends I will EVER have during my second year of college. I've even already slept over one of their houses... And I've NEVER done that before. Life is pretty good in terms of my social life... I still get sad and emotional sometimes, but that's only because of certain circumstances... Overall, I am actually a lot a lot happier than ever before because of all the wonderful people I have come to know in the past several months...

This is also including those people I have met over the internet like Thunder-kun, Lazy, Kazu-kun, Deciare, Ayame-chan, Starry-sama, and Orpheon-sama. Thank you all SO much for being there for me, and sorry for not being able to chat as often as before! You guys truly are awesome people that I am grateful to get to know! I love you all! ^^

Especially since I had the BEST BIRTHDAY OF MY LIFE! I'm so thankful to have met such wonderful people who I can never doubt!

I made this lovebar with the intention of spreading the love for all the playable Reyvateils. As for my progress with AT2... I'm in Phase 5, about to sing Viena. Chroche-sama is love as expected! Luca is pretty cool, and Jakuri is undoubtedly the best character in the game. Despite how badly NISA messed up my favorite game ever, I can still enjoy it... Although I am very disappointed that I have to go through certain means of actually having the full experience of it... Hopefully I'll have access to being able to playing the game with the full Japanese voice track soon enough...

I also made a fanclub known as the Church of Pastalia on the Ar tonelico: A Reyvateil's Melody forums... But that's not very important I suppose. XD

Also, I cannot wait for Street Fighter IV! (Even though I've played it already.) Go go Sakura!

I have a lot of new merchandise to show off, but I'm too lazy to take pictures of them. Maybe next time. :D