Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Poor Wallet...

Click the NISA Logo for the interview... Cross Edge is coming out here in March! D: Now I seriously need a PS3 before then... Or else. I wasn't anticipating this! RAWR!

BUT YAY IT'S COMING AND I'LL UNDERSTAND IT! AND SO IS MANA-KHEMIA 2! ZOMG! NISA, I love you to death more than ever right now... Even if you did butcher Ar tonelico II's names and probably will butcher Mana-Khemia 2's names... But, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Although at the same time, I feel remorse because that's a LOT of money going out of my wallet... Rawr. Atelier Annie might come here too....

Oh well, I suppose this means I get to play Disgaea 3 and Valkyria Chronicles after all... Now I'm hoping a lot of games like Persona 5 and Ar tonelico III are coming out on the PS3 and hopefully Vesperia can be ported to the PS3...

What?! Don't glare at me like that! I have to get a PS3 for more than just 3 games! D: