Friday, September 12, 2008

My Tales Wall & Tales of Symphonia Display

This is my current Tales Series Display! It started to improve dramatically as you can see new merchandises I received. Anyways, it looks so much better to see it in real life than this picture itself. I am amazed by this too. It not the best display and all but I really like it. I hope my interest in Tales series stays so this can too. I still need Tales of the Abyss up there somehow. I ran out of room so I think this is it for now. What do you guys think?

This is my current Tales of Symphonia Display. I really like this but my Tales of Phantasia display is better. I have all 7 characters but they never made a Raine and Regal figure so they aren't in it. I wish they did though but they didn't. I need a background for this and any suggestions which should I use? I was wondering if any of you who read this post has a good Tales of Symphonia pictures that I can get from you?
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