Thursday, September 18, 2008

Character Rant

Alright... I kind of have something to rant about today, and I'm kind of getting annoyed by people on GameFAQs because of this.

For some reason... There always seems to be unnecessary hate for some characters. Particularly, main heroines in the Tales series. For some reason, characters like Colette Brunel and Estellise Sidos Heurassein, both very sweet, kind, and adorable characters, seem to have fans that love to hate them. I don't understand why anyone has to hate any character at all... It just seems like people are saying in their minds... "I have to hate someone in my main party, I'll just go with the default annoying heroine."

First of all, I don't see how either Colette or Estelle are annoying... They are both really likable characters that look out for their friends, and try their best to help out with their best efforts... Seriously, even if you hated Estelle, she would have helped you if you were on the verge of death, regardless! She's instinctively helps people, when she sees someone hurt, she has to heal them right away. Heck, she even feels sorry for the monsters she has to kill! I honestly don't see what is so bad about being so nice... It's like people these days hate extremely kind and caring characters for no reason at all. All they give is that, oh Estelle and Colette are both annoying!

But... Why? Because Estelle drags the party around so she can find out the truth about herself? Yuri, Repede, Karol, Rita, Judith, and Raven don't seem to mind too much... So why does the player have to? Although Judith did speak out to Estelle about dragging out the party to do whatever she wants, and it's quite CLEAR in the game she does, I still don't understand how it is annoying if it's only something used to advance the story in order for the player and Estelle herself, to learn more about who she is. Estelle is a character that actually has flaws, she's selfless to a fault, and people are STILL calling her a Mary Sue! It's ridiculous.

Also, for Colette, sure she says sorry like... For the whole game. But Lloyd apologizes practically as much as her... People only notice Colette's apologies all the time because Lloyd points them out all the time... Sure she hides her pain from the whole party until it gets extremely bad, but it's because she's WORRIED about her friends being worried. She doesn't want to burden them with her problems. Heck, I'm like that... I hate burdening my friends with my problems... It doesn't really benefit them at all to worry about me, although it is nice to let things out once in a while... And I have some really good friends that will listen to my problems no matter how minor.

There's also hate for Shirley Fennes from Tales of Legendia, and I kind of understand that a bit more, she does go kind of crazy jealous. However, I do still like her, and the only reason she did go crazy was because she didn't have many friends, she loved Senel, but Senel was in love with Stella, who was her older sister. And when Stella died, Senel didn't exactly help comfort Shirley, as he was writhing in misery as much as she was... But Senel had Chloe, Norma, and the others to bring him out of his shell. Shirley had Fenimore, but... Well, it didn't exactly work out. T__T Poor Fenimore... So yeah, Shirley is a main heroine that is actually capable of hate, selfishness, jealousy, and greed. And people hate her for that. Yet... People hate Estelle and Colette for being extremely kind, caring, and selfless... Irony eh?

There is also seemingly hate for Micaiah of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn fame... Although I still haven't beaten the game myself, I know the jist of the rest of the story. Sure, Micaiah is kind of perfect... But she does have one flaw... Blind loyalty to her country, and that blind loyalty obviously lead her to fight for the wrong reasons. FE10 was a disappointment anyway... One reason I did like it was Micaiah though. She's a great character in my eyes.

Tear Grants of Tales of the Abyss isn't AS hated... But she's been accused of being a boring character, and that under her serious and soldier exterior, her love for cute things is a bad attempt to make her seem like a real girl... She DOES open up towards the end... And, I seriously thought Tear was a good character. Her love for cute things made her more lovable for me, and it was a bit amusing to have the other main characters (particularly Anise) tease her about it.

I think that's enough ranting for now... Although, I'm sure I forgot to mention a lot of things... But on a lighter, but strange note...

Beryl Benito, a main character from the upcoming Tales of Hearts... Is 18 years old. *shock* I seriously thought she was 13 or something... >.>; Maybe there's a story behind her appearance.

Estelle avatar up there was made by domination. Picture and screenshot from Abyssal Chronicles. Thanks a745!

Oh, and my rant probably doesn't pertain to most people that actually read this blog. So I'm not really talking about any of my friends. Just stupid people on GameFAQs for the most part.

Oh, and I might as well show this off:

Tales of Gust
Yes, it's a boxart for a Tales and Gust crossover... Ar tonelico, Atelier, and Tales all in one! XD I know, marvel at my geekiness. By the way, if your favorite character is on this... And I talk to you frequently through IMs or forums. It was for you.

One more thing, Pokemon Platinum is looking to be SUPER awesome. Rebattling gym leaders, move tutors for better movesets, stronger Elite 4 after the National Dex. EEVEE AND RALTS BEFORE THE ELITE 4. It's all looking to be super exciting. And my Pokemon fandom is starting to be rekindled once again. :3